🕸️ Web web web 🕸️

Zine, New  Media
A list of html/css sites. Varying from web poems to access documents to stories for future zines and performances. Plotting to extend these further. 🧟 Very good for tired person making 🐌
From beds, couches and floors

A list of links here 

In Sickness, In Health

Zine, New  Media
A multi-media zine about  my relationship to my body, esp after burning out for the umpteenth time. I was also working on a doll-audio-zine, but that one is still in progress. Pushing the zine medium, this one has a special etheral quality. I don’t want to give it away here, but take a look. 

In Residency,
At Glasgow Zine Library

*Currently documenting zine

Sonic Garden

InterventionNew Media
Garden music box. Sensors measure the moisture & vibrations in the soil, which is translated into music. An offering to the earth, and the people who tend it. I wanted to facilitate a community jam, where the garden and people could make music together. 

Interview with Promenade

Alt Futures

Community, New Media, Zine
A BIPOC Media Arts Residency for folks living outside of city centers like Toronto. Programming Resident. Put together our publication zine, among other things.
In Residency︎︎, ︎︎︎
At Factory Media Centre

Online (Printable Zine) ︎︎︎

Anthology: All the Time in the World

Small vignettes  of self-care, pop culture and other thoughts, as I navigated the new realities of the pandemic, or the Pause, as I like to call it. Over 60 pages of funny, sad, relatable things.  
With Idea Exchange

Read Online

Dream House

New Media, Social Practice
Dream House came out of a lot of conversations around housing precarity. Participant thoughts & drawings were turned into a Virtual 3D experience to reflect the future we are hoping for. 

Enter Virtual Space
Documentation Video


New Media, Performance
A virtual performace & web installation that came out of research into economics, magic and resources. Exploring what it means to find abundance, and how value is commodified under capitalism. 
In Residency,
With Roundtable Residencies

Documentation Video

Letters for the End of the World

Social Practice, Intervention, Zine

A DIY guide and workshop on letter writing for civic reasons, as well as reflective reasons.  With the constant apprearance of world-ending events, I often imagined what I would say and to whom if things were truly ending. This workshop was given room in 2020 and marked the start of more workshop style interventions.  Images are from the guide/zine publication.
With Hamilton Artists’ Inc

DIY Guide
© Tee KunduAn ongoing archive of projects & engagements.
An interdisciplinary being of love and chaos, Tee is currently trying to build a life they enjoy taking part in.